The New Monastics
We dialogue with some of today's leading spiritual teachers and thinkers on all aspects of the contemplative life, with a special focus on interspirituality and new monasticism. Amid continuing changes to our spiritual and religious landscape, we explore the tenets of living a life dedicated to spiritual development and truth.
Podcasting since 2022 • 27 episodes
The New Monastics
Latest Episodes
Ancestral Seeds: Intergenerational Trauma & Healing with Rabbi Tirzah Firestone
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone is a fellow student of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, an author and psychotherapist focusing on intergenerational trauma, and one of the senior rabbis of the Jewish Renewal movement. Tirzah is the author of
Charis Interspirituality: Exploring Interspiritual Life and Practice with Rory McEntee
Rory McEntee is the the President and Executive Director of Charis Foundation for New Monasticism and Interspirituality, which he co-founded with Netanel Miles-Yépez and Adam Bucko. Rory holds a Ph.D. in Theological and Philosophical Studies in...
Season 2
Episode 11
The Heart of Interreligious Dialogue: Exploring a Skills-Based Approach to Dialogue with Acharya Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown
Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown is Professor Emeritx of Religious Studies at Naropa University, where she has been on the faculty since 1978. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhism for almost 50 years and is a direct student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Sh...
Season 2
Episode 10
Conscious Evolution: Exploring a Radical Spiritual Futurism with Ramon Parish
Ramon Parish, a returning guest, is associate professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Naropa University and works on climate justice initiatives with his wife Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish.In this episode, we discuss ‘radical futures’—nov...
Season 2
Episode 9
New Monastics Roundtable: Space Travel with Carla Burns
In this episode, we have a roundtable discussion of spiritual issues with educator Carla Burns. In Part I, we talk about how to slow down and make the ’space’ to hold complexity in our society. In Part II, we discuss the film The Martian
Season 2
Episode 8