The New Monastics
We dialogue with some of today's leading spiritual teachers and thinkers on all aspects of the contemplative life, with a special focus on interspirituality and new monasticism. Amid continuing changes to our spiritual and religious landscape, we explore the tenets of living a life dedicated to spiritual development and truth.
27 episodes
Ancestral Seeds: Intergenerational Trauma & Healing with Rabbi Tirzah Firestone
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone is a fellow student of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, an author and psychotherapist focusing on intergenerational trauma, and one of the senior rabbis of the Jewish Renewal movement. Tirzah is the author of
Charis Interspirituality: Exploring Interspiritual Life and Practice with Rory McEntee
Rory McEntee is the the President and Executive Director of Charis Foundation for New Monasticism and Interspirituality, which he co-founded with Netanel Miles-Yépez and Adam Bucko. Rory holds a Ph.D. in Theological and Philosophical Studies in...
Season 2
Episode 11
The Heart of Interreligious Dialogue: Exploring a Skills-Based Approach to Dialogue with Acharya Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown
Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown is Professor Emeritx of Religious Studies at Naropa University, where she has been on the faculty since 1978. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhism for almost 50 years and is a direct student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Sh...
Season 2
Episode 10
Conscious Evolution: Exploring a Radical Spiritual Futurism with Ramon Parish
Ramon Parish, a returning guest, is associate professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Naropa University and works on climate justice initiatives with his wife Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish.In this episode, we discuss ‘radical futures’—nov...
Season 2
Episode 9
New Monastics Roundtable: Space Travel with Carla Burns
In this episode, we have a roundtable discussion of spiritual issues with educator Carla Burns. In Part I, we talk about how to slow down and make the ’space’ to hold complexity in our society. In Part II, we discuss the film The Martian
Season 2
Episode 8
New Monastics Poetry Share: Impotence & The All-Possible with Deepa Patel
In this episode, Netanel plays hooky, and Daniel is joined by Deepa Patel, a teacher of Inayati Sufism, partner of the Charis Foundation, and recurring guest, to share poems close to each of their hearts. In the course of reading and re...
Season 2
Episode 7
The Fullness of the Measure: Unfolding an Interspiritual Dharma with the Venerable Pannavati
The Venerable Dr. Pannavati Bhikkuni is the founder of Heartwood Refuge, an intentional spiritual community in North Carolina, and abbess of Embracing Simplicity Hermitage, a 21st century trans-lineage Buddhist Order. A former Christian pastor,...
Season 2
Episode 6
Psychology East and West: A Retrospective on a Dialogue between Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Ram Dass
In this episode, we do a retrospective on a dialogue that took place in 1974 during the first summer session of the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. The dialogue was called “Psychology East and West” and explored a number of differences i...
Season 2
Episode 5
New Monastics Roundtable: Teachers, Caves, and Technology with Lisa Chatham
In this episode, we have a roundtable discussion of spiritual issues with psychotherapist, Lisa Chatham. In Part I, we talk about the complex legacies of brilliant spiritual teachers, like Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who are associated with inapp...
Season 2
Episode 4
Re-rooting in the Worlds: Exploring Societal Healing with Grandmother Arapata
Born in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Grandmother Arapata is a healer who holds the indigenous lineages of both the Maori and Samoan ancestral bloodlines.In this episode we talk about Grandmother Arapata’s upbringing with traditional teachings...
Season 2
Episode 3
Accessing Our Divine Nature: Exploring Hindu Tantra with Nataraja Kallio
Nataraja Kallio is a scholar-practitioner of Yoga and Hindu tantra. He is the Chair of the B.A. Yoga Studies program at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and the co-designer of Naropa’s M.A. Yoga Studies program.In this episode, we...
Season 2
Episode 2
Tuning the Moment: The Spirituality of Hip-Hop and Performance with Lily Fangz
Lily Fangz is a respected Colorado-based hip-hop artist and freestyle performer, who brings an authentic presence to the stage. Her lyrics are playful, introspective, and often spiritually-oriented. Lily is also a talented visual artist a...
Season 2
Episode 1
Dialogue of the Heart: Exploring Hasidism and Interreligious Engagement with Rabbi Or Rose
Rabbi Or N. Rose is a scholar of Hasidism and Neo-Hasidism who is deeply involved in interreligious dialogue. He is the Director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership at Hebrew College in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, ...
Episode 15
New Monastics Roundtable: Silence, Change, and Work with Deepa Patel
In this episode, we have a roundtable discussion of spiritual issues with our friend, Deepa Patel. In Part I, we explore the question of what it means to take a vow of silence in our world, and talk about the value and meaning of silence. In Pa...
Season 1
Episode 14
The Interspiritual Mandala: Creating a Personal Path with Edward W. Bastian
Dr. Edward W. Bastian is an American-born filmmaker, scholar of Tibetan Buddhism, member of the Snowmass Conference, founder of the Spiritual Paths Institute, and the author of Interspiritual Meditation and Mandala. In this ep...
Season 1
Episode 13
The Architecture of Circles: Exploring the Wild Woman Archetype with Chris Maddox
Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the o...
Season 1
Episode 12
Art as Revelation: The Artist as a Spiritual Archetype with Netanel Miles-Yépez
Though a professor of religion at Naropa University, and the author of numerous books on spirituality (and a frequent dialogue partner for our guests), Netanel Miles-Yépez is also a well-known artist, philosopher, and spiritual teacher. On this...
Season 1
Episode 11
Earth, A Palace of Deities: Re-Wilding Ourselves with Amelia Hall
Dr. Amelia Hall is a British-born scholar-practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and professor in the Department of Wisdom Traditions at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. In this episode, we discuss the issues of taking on a religious tradition...
Season 1
Episode 10
Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide: Father Adam Bucko and the Path of Engaged Contemplation
Father Adam Bucko is a Polish-American Episcopal priest who serves as the director of The Center for Spiritual Imagination at the Episcopal Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, New York. He is a committed voice in the movement for the r...
Season 1
Episode 9
Every Step a Prayer: Walking With All Our Relations with Brenda Salgado
Brenda Salgado is a Nicaraguan-American curandera and Toltec healer, who emphasizes ceremony and traditional circle work for healing conflict and building community. She is the former director of the Eas...
Season 1
Episode 8
The Earth Wants Us to Be Human: Exploring Human Becoming and Sacred Ecology with Ramon Parish
Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish is an assistant professor at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and a leading voice in environmental justice, sustainability issues, contemporary rites of passage, and bringing the sacred into everyday living. In th...
Season 1
Episode 7
Seeding a New World: Visions of Sacred Feminine Wisdom with Alejandra Warden
In this episode we are joined by Alejandra Warden, an educator, interspiritual teacher, and founder of the Essential Oneness Feminine Wisdom Project. We focus our discussion on Alejandra's ...
Season 1
Episode 6
Conversations in the Spirit: A Retrospective on Lex Hixon’s Interview with Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
From the Intro: “In the 1970’s, long before podcasts like our own, there were radio shows whose reach was perhaps more limited, but whose impact was still powerful. Among the best of those shows was “In the Spirit” on WBAI in New York City,...
Season 1
Episode 5
Life, Life, Life: Carmelite New Monasticism, Tolkien, and Interreligious Dialogue with Tessa Bielecki
In this fourth episode (actually our first recorded episode), we interview Tessa Bielecki, former Mother Abbess of the Spiritual Life Institute and a Carmelite hermit in Tucson, Arizona. Tessa talks with us about her Polish Catholic background,...
Season 1
Episode 4
The Second Axial Age: The Interspiritual Matrix of Abrahamic Spirituality with Matthew Wright
In this episode, we are joined by Reverend Matthew Wright, a leading figure in the dialogue on contemplative life and interspirituality. With Reverend Matthew, we talk about Karl Jasper’s notion of the “Axial Age”and Ewert Cousins’ idea of a “S...
Season 1
Episode 3